Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Life Unfurling


Blogger is doing strange things as I try to update.  Looks like I've wrangled it into submission now.  I guess we'll see.  It's appropriate, since nothing else has been super easy about the plans to retire here!

We finally moved here at the beginning of summer 2022, after I homeschooled my grandchildren for two years through COVID.  Tim got worse and worse.  I had not only done most of the work in buying our home in PA, I also did the work of selling it and our other home in ME. 

We moved into this house, our Gull Haven, unfinished, but livable.  I got the downstairs shower that had been started, taken out and redone.  I had a radon mitigation unit (actually 3 before it was effective!) installed.  Got wood trim up and a new front door.  Had a shed built.  Moved us in as snug and cozy as possible.  He got to take walks and chat with neighbors, in a fashion.  I was his caretaker 24/7.  I got us here a year and a half before he passed away. He passed here in his own bed. I was grateful for that.  And so was he.  A night in the ER taught us that if we could we wouldn't be doing a facility.

So I am here now.  I look out at the view and wish he could share it with me.  The last two years have been especially hard, as he had little interest in doing anything except watch dvds over and over, and going for short walks outside.

I am learning how to be me alone.  I think I'm getting the hang of it.  The COVID vaccine and booster set up an inflammation in my spine that made me less than mobile for awhile.  And getting the shingles one 5 months ago set up another inflammation.  End of June I should be fine again.  That's how long the others took to get almost back to normal.  I'm walking without a cane now, so I'm on the way!    I can't be taking 6 months of no sleep, no exercise, and no joy in of my life each time.  The shingles vaccine had the added features of having a traveling infammation that went from back to knees, shoulder,  jaw, and  eyes.  Something is up with my body's sensitivity, and the vaccines since my first COVID vac are trying to kill ME, not what they're supposed to be killing!  No more vaccines, doctor agrees.

Daisy and Shadow share my home now.  Daisy loves...  No, Daisy LOVES sitting on the front lawn watching bugs, birds and water.  Shadow liked to hide out mostly for the first year she was here.  She's settling in now and knows I'm the source of good things.

Winter was rough.  The weather pounded the coast, but we were fine.  The snow was not deep.  It was mostly windy and rainy!

Next post...spring again.

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