Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Such a Long Time...

Just came back to this blog to see where I'd left off.  It said that this was a draft...though on the sidebar it says "pulished on 7/14/ at 3:29 pm



So much has happened to delay and change our plans for Gull Haven.  The loss of a substantial amount of money to a cabinet maker who never produced the cabinets and has never paid us back - despite winning the lawsuit - was such a setback.  It was a equity loan for construction, so we've had to pay that back, but have seen nothing for it. The pandemic seemed to make it convenient to not have to pay back debts (except for any debt I'd incur, of course...).  That was a huge disappointment and a huge financial burden. The used kitchen cabinets that I found and bought from a renovation project are in and the extra cabinets are being dismantled to use the solid cherry to craft the fill-ins we need. No garage in our plans now, and less faith in the goodness of man. 

We are moving in shortly regardless of the state of the house.  We currently have the closet in the downstairs den/spare room being converted to a shower, so we can have first floor living.  Got a nifty glass bi-fold swing in or out door for the rainshower system being installed.

I have a couple of twin beds going in the room when it is finished.  Bought a love seat sleeper for the living room; and two hammocks and a mattress for the yellow room for kids, plus the bed we had there for last year.  So we will should have enough sleeping space for 7 or 8 people at a time!  It's a small place, but I'm going to enjoy filling it with people any chance I get.

We discovered that the water treatment system we put in a number of years ago when we put in the radiant infloor heat is not getting rid of the rust, so we need to clean fixtures and get the water smelling good.  A water softener is going in July 20 - that'll be cheap. 

Deck and mudroom will begin when we have company the first week in August.  I do hope we can get to live there for at least a year before it gets too much for us to do.  We shall see how life goes.  We shall see.

There will be s'mores made at Gull Haven again this year.  I do know that.


Update:  There were s'mores that summer, but we moved back to PA for one more year, so I could homeschool my grandchildren through one more COVID year.  I had a blast.  Tim was getting worse, but still manageable.  

I'll post some from 2022 and 2023 to the present next.  Some things have changed a lot, some a little, some not at all.

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