Full Bath

This room will be the full bath upstairs.  Right now it is a bedroom that is only accessible through either of the other two bedrooms.  We will be knocking out the chimney walls to make a hallway and door to this room.  We are putting the laundry upstairs also, since that's where all the laundry comes from and goes to.

I would like a real clawfoot tub upstairs.  The only space for it appears to be in front of the window.  That should be okay though.  Here's the one I would like

Sanford Claw Foot Tub - cast iron
Well, I changed my mind about the tub a little.  I don't think I want to be concerned about cleaning under the tub, and since I can't find a wall mount tub...
here's the pedestal tub I think will work fine in the space.  I may try to make the faucet come from the wall though.  The pipes coming up through the floor makes for more places for dust and grime and cleaning necessities.  I am all about not cleaning more than I have to.
Henley Cast Iron Dual Tub
And there's been another change.  We've gone back and forth on this one a number of times, but I think we've settled on it.  The room pictured above in pink is actually going to be a bedroom and the other room we had as a bedroom will be the bathroom.  I think the space, though close in square footage, is just a tad larger, so will accommodate a bed better.  The bathroom should be smaller, so now for the switch in pictures.
Tah, dah!  The bathroom.

This bathroom will be overlooking the back yard.  This first picture is how the hall looks now, but where the picture is taken from will be the master bedroom soon and the hall will go straight past this door and into the other bedroom.  The stairway is to the right under the eave.  I know what I mean, but unfortunately directions and pictures like these don't help much.  Maybe I'll include our old and new floor plans next time I post.

Okay, no tub in our house.  We have selected a large 48" white acrylic shower unit with two seats.  That's essentially what we have now and we love it.  The tubs we concluded were not going to be easy for getting in and out of, especially in a few years as our retirement retreat.  So shower it is.

Then, as in the half-bath, there will be the Toto wall mounted toilet and Toto sink.

And the same mirrored medicine cabinet and fan light as the downstairs half-bath, too.

And this is the faucet we've purchased to go in both the upstairs and downstairs baths.

So we're getting there.  Now for the vanity lighting, flooring and paint color.
This was taken a while ago, but shows the shower installed and the paint color for the upstairs bath.